Public Works + Water Sewer + Shade Tree


General & Holiday Trash Collection Schedule

Trash is collected Monday -Thursday by Seaside Waste, except for the following Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July Fourth, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. If your trash day falls on an aforementioned holiday, place your trash on the curb for a pick up on the following day. Please be advised that our contractor will make every attempt to remain on schedule for the rest of that week, but subsequent trash days may experience delays.

Trash Removal Guidelines


Hydrant Flushing

Fire Hydrant Flushing is scheduled throughout the year.   Flushing will be conducted Monday through Friday between 7 am and 5 pm.  During flushing time, please avoid using dishwashers, washing machines and running hot water.

You may experience low water pressure during this time and a discoloration.  Please run water until discoloration disappears and water runs clear.  If you have any questions, please call the Department of Public Works garage at 856-833-6260.


Trash and Leaf Collection:

Trash, recycling, lawn debris, and brush are picked up on the same day by our hauling company. Lawn debris/grass clippings and brush  must be placed in an open container.


  • Trash consists of household waste only, not construction material. Receptacles shall be plastic or metal or bags not to exceed 30 gallons or fifty (50) pounds.
  • Containers or other items to be disposed of shall be placed outside after 6:00 PM of the day immediately preceding the day of collection.
  • After collection, any empty containers shall be removed from curbside promptly, but no later than 7:00 PM of the day of collection.
  • A maximum of 10 items, not exceeding a total of 300 pounds, may be placed at the curb for regular pickup.
  • Residents undergoing construction, moving, “spring cleaning,” or emptying garages, must contact a disposal company for a dumpster.  NOTE: There is a permit application for dumpsters or PODS.

Recycling Guidelines, see flyer below.













Bulk Items:

  • All “bulky” items waste including, but not limited to furniture, mattress, carpeting, sinks, toilets, doors and windows (up to 3 or 4 units), bundled wood in 4 foot sections not to exceed fifty pounds will be picked up on your regular trash day.

Organic Materials:

  • Lawn debris/grass clippings and brush are taken for recycling April 15th through October 15th, and must be placed in an open container. DO NOT USE THE TOWNSHIP RED RECYCLING CONTAINERS FOR LAWN AND ORGANIC DEBRIS.
  • Organic material placed in plastic bags will not be recycled.
  • Brush and branches may either be tied and bundled in 4 foot sections or placed neatly in an open container to facilitate efficiency and the safety of sanitation employees.

Leaf Collection:

  • Township residents are encouraged to rake leaves weekly into the street but away from the curb flow line and any storm sewers to prevent flooding.


  • Latex or Water-Based Paint Disposal: Water based paint can be disposed of with regular trash, provided it is first dried out. For more information on how to dry out water- based latex paint click here.
  • Oil-Based Paint Disposal: Oil-based paint is harmful to the environment if not properly disposed. Camden County offers the collection of these paints, as well other hazardous materials on special collection dates.


To report a problem during regular hours (Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 3:00 pm), contact Public Works at 856- 854-1176 ext. 6260. During off hours, weekends or holidays, please contact the emergency utility hotline at 609-820-8048. The utility hotline is for water and sewer emergencies only.

If you have any questions regarding your water/sewer bill please contact the Tax Office at 856-854-1176 ext. 6249 or 6245.

Streets & Roads/Pot Holes

Report a Pothole at  or by calling the Public Works garage at (856) 854-1176 ext. 6260.

Water Quality Report

2022 Water Quality Report

Lead Service Line Inventory

Haddon Twp Service Line Inventory Report

Shade Trees

By ordinance, the Shade Tree Commission has jurisdiction over all Township curbside trees. All non-emergency issues regarding curbside trees should be directly reported to the STC via email at

For additional information concerning curbside trees, please see the files below:

Expedited Pruning Permit

Shade Tree Approved Tree List

Shade Tree Frequently Asked Questions

Sidewalk Brochure -Helpful Repair Guidance


Tree Request Form:

Tree Evaluation form:


510 Oneida Avenue

Haddon Township, NJ 08108

(856) 833- 6260

FAX (856) 854-0279


Monday through Friday 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Contact List

Jim Stevenson Director of Public Works 856-833-6260
Betty Brookes 856-833-6260
Emergency # Water and Sewer Emergencies 609- 820-8048



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