Senior Services
Contact Information:
Mason Bradley | Senior Services Coordinator | (856) 833-6247 | |
Haddon Township services for our 60+ residents.
Haddon Towncar Shopping & Activities Shuttle
The Haddon Towncar provides free transportation to shopping and recreational areas operated by the Haddon Township Board of Commissioners and funded by the Camden County Community Development Fund. To qualify for this free service, you must be a resident of Haddon Township and at least 60 years older or certified handicap.
Click this link for a detailed flyer: Haddon Towncar Shopping Shuttle Schedule
For Reservations: Call, Leave Voicemail or Text
Mason Bradley P: 856-833-6247 E: C: 609-255-4067
Haddon Town Travelers BIG Bus One Day Trips
Our BIG Bus Trips are for Haddon Township 60+ residents. The bus departs from the Westmont Plaza at the lower parking lot just across from the Tires Plus store. We plan one day bus trips to a variety of destinations, attractions and shows.
Click this link for a detailed flyer: Haddon Town Travelers – 2025 Bus Trips
Click this link to print a Reservation Form: Bus Trip s Reservation Form
For Reservations: Call or Email
Mason Bradley P: 856-833-6247 E:
Make check payments to Haddon Township: Mail or drop off at the Municipal Building
135 Haddon Ave., Haddon Twp. NJ 08108
The following is an announcement from the Haddon Township School District that will benefit our residents ages 65 and older.
Finding ways to engage all parts of our community is a point of emphasis for the school district and the Board of Education. All senior citizens (ages 65 & older) will be eligible for a lifetime all-access pass for all Haddon Township School District home events. Senior Citizens can register for their pass by stopping at the Board of Education Building at 500 Rhoades Avenue between 9 am and 3:30 PM starting this Monday, November 28th. A driver’s license or government ID must be presented to register for the pass, providing cost-free admission to any home sporting event, musical, or type of production where admission would normally be charged. (note: passes will not provide for high school graduation)
Haddon Township Senior Citizen Association
The Haddon Township Senior Citizen Association meeting schedule:
Wed. February 12th & Wed. March 12th at McLaughlin Hall / Lees & Atlantic Ave, Collingswood
Starting in April meeting will return to McDaid Hall at Holy Savio0ur Church on the 2nd Wednesday of each month thru May
Please call or email:
Theresa Skibinski 856-858-51123
Bernadette Celino 856-845-1017
Paula Williamson 609-238-5264
The group membership is at capacity, however, please contact Theresa to be placed on a wait list.
Senior Resources
Tax Information
For information on the various tax rebate, exemption, or deduction programs available to seniors click on this link… NJ Senior Tax Deduction
For NJ Property Tax Relief programs i.e. the new ANCHOR program click on this link… Tax Relief
Sen-Han Transit is available to transport Haddon Township residents for medical appointments. Residents must be at least 60 years old or certified handicap. This service is operated by the Senior Citizens United Community Services of Camden County and funded by the Camden County Board of Freeholders and the Camden County Office on Aging.
To schedule Sen-Han Transit Transportation, please call 1- 856-456-3344 at least two weeks in advance or click this link… Sen-Han Transit
Access Link can transport you to Shopping, Doctor Appointments, Visiting Nursing Homes and Hospitals. You must be approved for this service.
Please call 1- 800-955-2321 for information or click this link… Access Link
Seniors Get Fresh!
As Farmers’ Markets open in the spring, many senior citizens plan to save money and eat fresh. The Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program provides checks to eligible low income senior participants to buy locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. To be eligible for this program, a senior citizen must be at least 60 years old and have a household income of $20,036 or lower for an individual or $26,955 or lower for a couple. More information is available through the Camden County Office of Aging at 856-858-3220 or click on this link… Senior Nutrition Vouchers
Camden County Senior Programs and Events call 856-858-3220 or click on this link… Just For Seniors
Senior Citizens United Community Services of Camden County call 856-456-1121 or click this link… SCUCS