Property Tax, Water/Sewer Billing & Finance

                                                                                                                                                        ↓ CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO MAKE PAYMENTS  ↓

View & Pay Property Tax Bill

View & Pay Township Water/Sewer Bill Here


Property taxes are due quarterly; February 1st, May 1st, August 1st and November 1st with a 10 day grace period.

Water & Sewer bills are due quarterly;  February 10th, May 10th, August 10th and November 10th.

When paying by check, please pay with two checks, one for taxes & one for utility payable to: ‘Haddon Township’ 

The Tax Office (856-854-11476) is open Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm to accept payments. Payments can be mailed to; Township of Haddon, 135 Haddon Avenue, Haddon Township, NJ 08108-2788.  Payments can also be placed in the grey box located outside of the entrance to the Municipal Building on Haddon Ave.

Please note that the quarterly water/sewer bill from Haddon Township is in addition to the quarterly CCMUA (Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority) each property receives. The Township bill is for water consumption and sewer maintenance of the sewer system within Haddon Township and the CCMUA billing is for the waste treatment center.

The following services and departments are managed by the Revenue and Finance Office:

  • Tax and water/sewer bills.
  • Permits and forms in conjunction with the Municipal Clerk’s Office.
  • The Office of Vital Statistics is responsible for issuing birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses, civil unions, and domestic partnership licenses.
  • Tax Assessor’s Office


For more information on Township budgets, audits, best practices and other financial reports, please go to the Township Reports page under the Resource tab or click on the link below:

Division of Taxation’s Property Tax Relief Program  

Tax Assessor’s Office

Important Revaluation Information

Introduction Resident Letter

Haddon Twp. Revaluation Brochure

2024-PowerPoint-Haddon TWP

Tax Map

2023_0416 Haddon Twp Tax Map Revised



Tax Appeals

Revenue & Finance Department Contacts

Main Phone Number 856-854-1176

To reach the offices listed, please dial the numbers below:

Ryan Linhart, Commissioner of Revenue & Finance, 856-833-6242


Jack A. Bruno, Chief Financial Officer, 856-833-6248


Ryan Giles, Tax & Utility Collector, 856-833-6246


Darlene Alfonsi, Water/Sewer Billing, 856-833-6249


Marissa Brown, Tax Clerk, 856-833-6245


Martin Blaskey, III, Tax Assessor, 856-833-6259
